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Multiple conditions in select statement based on values

I have a multiple ctes. In my select statement I must filter values base on the conditions. This is my query.

SELECT roadName
    ,sum(roadLength) AS sumRoadLength
    ,avg(elevationDifference) AS eglAvgDepth
    ,avg(elevationDifference) AS pglAvgDepth
FROM cte3
GROUP BY roadName
ORDER BY roadName

Under "elevationDifference" there are lots of values ranging from -10 to +20 which are spread through "roadName". What i want to accomplished is that "eglAvgDepth" will return if all "elevationDifference" values are <0 and take the average. Same case with pglAvgDepth where values are >0.

I tried to add where statement but works only in eglAvgDepth

WHERE elevationDifference < 0
GROUP BY roadName
ORDER BY roadName


  • Just add a conditional expression:

    avg(case when elevationDifference < 0 then elevationDifference end) as eglAvgDepth,
    avg(case when elevationDifference > 0 then elevationDifference end) as pglAvgDepth,


    You have phrased this that you want the value based on whether all the values are positive or negative. If so:

    (case when max(elevationDifference) < 0 then avg(elevationDifference) end) as eglAvgDepth,
    (case when max(elevationDifference) > 0 then avg(elevationDifference) end) as pglAvgDepth,