I'm looking for a way to add grip handles to the left-center and right-center of a box annotation (locations shown below with red circles). By default, grip handles are only created on the four corners of the BoxAnnotation.
Currently, I am creating my annotations in the code behind and view models, not XAML.
I've tried creating a custom composite annotation by combing a LineAnnotation and BoxAnnotation. However, the LineAnnotation grip handles only effect the line and not the composite annotation as a whole.
class MyCompositeAnnotation : CompositeAnnotation
public MyCompositeAnnotation()
Annotations.Add(new BoxAnnotation
CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
IsEditable = false,
ResizeDirections = SciChart.Charting.XyDirection.XDirection,
Background = grayBrushLight,
BorderBrush = grayBrushRegular,
X1 = 0,
X2 = 1,
Y1 = 0,
Y2 = 1
//Center dashed line
Annotations.Add(new LineAnnotation
CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
Stroke = grayBrushRegular,
StrokeThickness = 1,
IsEditable = true,
ResizeDirections = SciChart.Charting.XyDirection.XDirection,
StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new double[] { 2, 4 }),
X1 = 0,
X2 = 1,
Y1 = 0.5,
Y2 = 0.5
UPDATE: In response to the Seçkin Durgay's answer. Moving the code from the constructor to the OnLoaded method does not fix the issue. The only grip handles shown are on the top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right corners.
I think you shouldn't add in ctor. Try to add loaded function.
class MyCompositeAnnotation : CompositeAnnotation
public MyCompositeAnnotation()
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Annotations.Add(new BoxAnnotation
CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
IsEditable = false,
ResizeDirections = SciChart.Charting.XyDirection.XDirection,
Background = grayBrushLight,
BorderBrush = grayBrushRegular,
X1 = 0,
X2 = 1,
Y1 = 0,
Y2 = 1
//Center dashed line
Annotations.Add(new LineAnnotation
CoordinateMode = AnnotationCoordinateMode.Relative,
Stroke = grayBrushRegular,
StrokeThickness = 1,
IsEditable = true,
ResizeDirections = SciChart.Charting.XyDirection.XDirection,
StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection(new double[] { 2, 4 }),
X1 = 0,
X2 = 1,
Y1 = 0.5,
Y2 = 0.5
Loaded -= OnLoaded;