iOS beginner here. I have the following code:
[facebook authorize:nil delegate:self];
NSString *string1=[facebook accessToken];
The log shows: miFOG1WS_7DL88g6d95Uxmzz7GCShsWx_FHuvZkmW0E.eyJpdiI6IjNZZkFBY1c5ZnBaMGEzOWM2RzNKbEEifQ.LNjl06lsOQCO9ArVARqff3Ur2XQHku3CMHDBKkpGg351EB33LGxVv96Hh5R860KDJL0cLq8QezSW0GovYxnhUucOwxlITV364sVKDXIzC3bAn9P_74r2Axl1SgOaTyMMkQ_aSQ2OWh-8d3Zn9BDt3pXVWzBLJ9I4XAosnw0GjuE
This seems too long to be an access token. I read it's supposed to be only 40 characters long. What am I doing wrong?
You can use delegate method:
- (void)fbDialogLogin:(NSString *)token expirationDate:(NSDate *)expirationDate
for more information you can refer to the following question :Facebook Access Token