I'd like to get the average price of my top 100 products via JPA2. The query should look something like this (my sql is a little rusty):
select avg(price) from (
select p.price from Product p order by p.price desc limit 100)
but that is not working at all. I also tried this:
select avg(p.price) from Product p where p.id =
(select pj.id from Product pj order by pj.price desc limit 100)
this is working up until the limit keyword.
I read that limit is not available in JPQL.
Any idea on how to do this? Criteria would also be fine.
is not supported by JPQL. Below is the sample-code using Criteria-API.
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Double> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Double.class);
Root<Product> productRoot = criteriaQuery.from(Product.class);
Double average = (Double)entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery).setMaxResults(100).getSingleResult();
Double average = (Double)entityManager.createQuery("select avg(p.price) from Product p order by p.price").setMaxResults(100).getSingleResult();
If this doesn't work, then you have to go for executing two queries – selecting definitely ordered records & then averaging them.
Else, go for a native query if portability is not an issue. You can accomplish same using a single query as many RDBMSes support restricting the number of results fetched from a database.