I am trying to evaluate an equation that the user has inputted. I put all of the numbers into a list in string form then use the join function to put it into one large string and feed that into an eval function. The problem is I keep getting the error:
Use input:
Please enter the function: 8x-3
Please enter the smaller x: -6Please enter the larger x: 4
Error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 27, in <module> slope(input("Please enter the function: "), input("Please enter the smaller x: "), input("Please enter the larger x: ")) File "main.py", line 21, in slope
y1 = eval("".join(f_list))
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'
I make sure that I have x specified and that everything is a string.
Here is the program where "function" is the user inputted equation:
f_list = []
for ind, character in enumerate(function):
if ind > 0 and character == "x" and is_number(function[ind-1]):
f_list.insert(ind, "*")
if not idx:
y1 = eval("".join(f_list))
y2 = eval("".join(f_list))
When your eval() function is running it is attempting to use the variable x, which you have the user provide as a string, thus when eval() tries to solve your equation it is using the string of x: i.e "-6" not -6.
To fix this problem you must cast x to an integer: x = int(x) before calling the eval() function.