Android. API 16 (I know, is old but I can't change)
I need to identify the type of view in focus programmatically. I have a thread capable to generate data but not always the correct view is in focus (EditText). I need to check, when the data are ready, if the current view in focus can handle the data. If yes, ok, if not the data are just discarded/lost. I know that one of the possible View in focus can be a ListView.
What is the best way to do so ?
I did try with activity.getCurrentFocus().getContentDescription() but it crash.
Any suggestion ?
Thanks !
To do this you could use instanceof.
if (activity.getCurrentFocus() instanceof ListView){
// do whatever
} else {
// do other
Another option would be checking for reference equality. If you have a reference to the views you expect could be in focus, simply check each:
View inFocus = activity.getCurrentFocus()
if (inFocus == myView){
// do whatever
} else if (inFocus == myOtherView){
} else {...}