I created a model with the following command:
rails g model UserCertification user:references certification:references certification_no:string
which is referencing to my devise user model user:references
On the db:migrate I receive the following error: Caused by:
ActiveRecord::MismatchedForeignKey: Column
on tableuser_certifications
does not match columnid
, which has typebigint(20)
. To resolve this issue, change the type of theuser_id
column onuser_certifications
to be :bigint. (For examplet.bigint :user_id
). Original message: Mysql2::Error: Cannot add foreign key constraint
Here is my migration
class CreateUserCertifications < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
create_table :user_certifications do |t|
t.references :user, null: false, foreign_key: true
t.references :certification, null: false, foreign_key: true
t.string :certification_no
I tried to set the type to integer with t.references :user, null: false, foreign_key: true,type: :integer
I also deleted the model and redid and checked with previous references, without success. Perhaps someone has an idea?
Try setting the type in the reference to match the other table:
t.references(:user, null: false, type: :bigint)
If that doesn't work, try creating the foreign key in user_certifications explicitly:
t.bigint :user_id, null: false