I am using AWS AppSync with keycloak as the OIDC provider and left the clientID blanked. This means that I can generate an access token using any clientId and client secret and start making requests (query or mutation) to my AppSync GraphQL endpoint.
However, I have to ask...how do I define fine grained access control with the scopes in the jwt token. I don't really understand what benefit this authorisation flow provides apart from just leveraging existing clients previously setup in keycloak or any other oidc providers.
So...what's the real benefit of using oidc auth for AppSync? Am I missing anything important here? Any feedback appreciated!
You get access to the OIDC claims in the $ctx.identity.claims map within the resolver mapping templates which you can basically use to do your fine grained access control logic. Imagine if you have a groups claim meaning your user belongs to a group such as Admin then you can write custom logic in your mapping template based on that.
Here is an example of how to do this (it uses Cognito but OIDC should be pretty similar).