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How can I use map* and mutate to convert a list into a set of additional columns?

I have tried probably hundreds of permutations of this code for literally days to try to get a function that will do what I want, and I have finally given up. It feels like it should definitely be doable and I am so close!

I have tried to get back to the nub of things here with my reprex below.

Basically I have a single-row dataframe, with a column containing a list of strings ("concepts"). I want to create an additional column for each of those strings, using mutate, ideally with the column taking its name from the string, and then to populate the column with the results of a function call (?it doesn't matter which function, for now? - I just need the infrastructure of the function to work.)

I feel, as usual, like I must be missing something obvious... maybe just a syntax error. I also wonder if I need to use purrr::map, maybe a simpler vectorised mapping would work fine.

I feel like the fact that new columns are named ..1 rather than the concept name is a bit of a clue as to what is wrong.

I can create the data frame I want by calling each concept manually (see end of reprex) but since the list of concepts is different for different data frames, I want to functionalise this using pipes and tidyverse techniques rather than do it manually.

I've read the following questions to find help:

but none of those has quite helped me crack the problem I'm experiencing. [edit: added in last q to that list which may be the technique I need].

<!-- language-all: lang-r -->

    # load packages -----------------------------------------------------------


    # set up initial list of tibbles ------------------------------------------

    df <- list(
      district_population = tibble(
        dataset_title = "Population estimates - local authority based by single year",
        dataset_id = "NM_2002_1"
      jsa_claimants = tibble(
        dataset_title = "Jobseeker\'s Allowance with rates and proportions",
        dataset_id = "NM_1_1"

    # just use the first tibble for now, for testing --------------------------
    # ideally I want to map across dfs through a list -------------------------

    df <- df[[1]]

    # nitty gritty functions --------------------------------------------------

    get_concept_list <- function(df) {
      dataset_id <- pluck(df, "dataset_id")
      nomis_overview(id = dataset_id,
                     select = c("dimensions", "codes")) %>%
        pluck("value", 1, "dimension") %>%
        filter(!concept == "geography") %>%

    # get_concept_list() returns the strings I need:
    #> [1] "time"     "gender"   "c_age"    "measures"

    # Here is a list of examples of types of map* that do various things,
    # none of which is what I need it to do
    # I'm using toupper() here for simplicity - ultimately I will use
    # get_concept_info() to populate the new columns

    # this creates four new tibbles
    get_concept_list(df) %>% 
      map(~ mutate(df, {{.x}} := toupper(.x)))
    #> [[1]]
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1  
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr>
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  TIME 
    #> [[2]]
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1   
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr> 
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  GENDER
    #> [[3]]
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1  
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr>
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  C_AGE
    #> [[4]]
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1    
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr>  
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  MEASUR~

    # this throws an error
    get_concept_list(df) %>% 
      map_chr(~ mutate(df, {{.x}} := toupper(.x)))
    #> Error: Result 1 must be a single string, not a vector of class `tbl_df/tbl/data.frame` and of length 3

    # this creates three extra rows in the tibble
    get_concept_list(df) %>% 
      map_df(~ mutate(df, {{.x}} := toupper(.x)))
    #> # A tibble: 4 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1    
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr>  
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  TIME   
    #> 2 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  GENDER 
    #> 3 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  C_AGE  
    #> 4 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  MEASUR~

    # this does the same as map_df
    get_concept_list(df) %>% 
      map_dfr(~ mutate(df, {{.x}} := toupper(.x)))
    #> # A tibble: 4 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                               dataset_id ..1    
    #>   <chr>                                                       <chr>      <chr>  
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  TIME   
    #> 2 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  GENDER 
    #> 3 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  C_AGE  
    #> 4 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1  MEASUR~

    # this creates a single tibble 12 columns wide
    get_concept_list(df) %>% 
      map_dfc(~ mutate(df, {{.x}} := toupper(.x)))
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 12
    #>   dataset_title dataset_id ..1   dataset_title1 dataset_id1 ..11  dataset_title2
    #>   <chr>         <chr>      <chr> <chr>          <chr>       <chr> <chr>         
    #> 1 Population e~ NM_2002_1  TIME  Population es~ NM_2002_1   GEND~ Population es~
    #> # ... with 5 more variables: dataset_id2 <chr>, ..12 <chr>,
    #> #   dataset_title3 <chr>, dataset_id3 <chr>, ..13 <chr>

    # function to get info on each concept (except geography) -----------------
    # this is the function I want to use eventually to populate my new columns

    get_concept_info <- function(df, concept_name) {
      dataset_id <- pluck(df, "dataset_id")
      nomis_overview(id = dataset_id) %>%
        filter(name == "dimensions") %>%
        pluck("value", 1, "dimension") %>%
        filter(concept == concept_name) %>%
        pluck("codes.code", 1) %>%
        select(name, value) %>%
        nest(data = everything()) %>%
        as.list() %>%

    # individual mutate works, for comparison ---------------------------------
    # I can create the kind of table I want manually using a line like the one below

    # df %>% map(~ mutate(., measures = get_concept_info(., concept_name = "measures")))
    df %>% mutate(., measures = get_concept_info(df, "measures"))
    #> # A tibble: 1 x 3
    #>   dataset_title                                        dataset_id measures      
    #>   <chr>                                                <chr>      <list>        
    #> 1 Population estimates - local authority based by sin~ NM_2002_1  <tibble [2 x ~

<sup>Created on 2020-02-10 by the [reprex package]( (v0.3.0)</sup>


  • Using !! and := lets you dynamically name columns. Then, we can reduce the list output of map() with reduce(), which left_joins() all the dataframes in the list using the dataset title and id columns.

    df_2 <- 
          ~ mutate(df,
                   !!.x := get_concept_info(df, .x))) %>% 
      reduce(left_join, by = c("dataset_title", "dataset_id"))
    # A tibble: 1 x 6
      dataset_title                                               dataset_id           time         gender          c_age       measures
      <chr>                                                       <chr>      <list<df[,2]>> <list<df[,2]>> <list<df[,2]>> <list<df[,2]>>
    1 Population estimates - local authority based by single year NM_2002_1        [28 x 2]        [3 x 2]      [121 x 2]        [2 x 2]