Ok, this one might be totally stupid but here goes. I create a simple class in python using VSCode. I then create an instance of the class and it just keeps running and creating instances until I get RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded, as if the unindented code was part of the class.
class Account:
def __init__(self, initialCash):
self.money = initialCash
print("New account created. Initial budget: " + self.money)
def money(self):
return self.money
def money(self, value):
self.money = value
account2 = Account(100)
The indentation is 3 spaces, automatic, as set in VSCode settings. What am I missing?
calls the setter, which calls the setter, which ...
You have to rename the attribute:
class Account:
def __init__(self, initial_cash):
self._money = initial_cash
print(f"New account created. Initial budget: {self.money}")
def money(self):
return self._money
def money(self, value):
self._money = value