I would like to split rows of a dataset based on many pairs of start/stop positions within the row
I can do this with the command substr
for each one in longhand fashion but this seems like a poor choice.
I actually have 7 datasets for which I need to do this, I am hoping there is a way of defining an array/vector with the start/stop pairs and then feed this to the substr
Any help guidance would be awesome
# I have a datset which contains records like this
string1 <- "08103128827DP 11 513452 131 Markett Hills Rd Coolingford XYZ 9876 14602012476 000000000000000000010784Y00000000000053815"
string2 <- "08203143982DP 12 611218 12 Magicra Waters Rd Huntley XXX 9081 14602012476 000000000000000000010784Y00000000000038443"
# Make a dummy datset
V1 <- c(string1, string2)
myData <- data.frame(V1)
# I would like to split into distinct fields for each row of the typically large dataset that I have
fld_1 <- substr(myData, 0, 3)
fld_2 <- substr(myData, 4, 11)
fld_3 <- substr(myData, 12, 16)
fld_4 <- as.numeric(substr(myData, 187, 198))/100
# The field widths vary, as do the data types
Assuming you have exact starting and ending positions:
# (0) Make a dummy dataset
string1 <- "08103128827DP 11 513452 131 Markett Hills Rd Coolingford XYZ 9876 14602012476 000000000000000000010784Y00000000000053815"
string2 <- "08203143982DP 12 611218 12 Magicra Waters Rd Huntley XXX 9081 14602012476 000000000000000000010784Y00000000000038443"
V1 <- c(string1, string2)
# (1) Define positions and variable names
pos <- list("Var 1" = c(0, 13),
"Var 2" = c(22, 23),
"Var 3" = c(32, 37))
# (2) Extract variables as text
vars <- lapply(pos, function(x) {
substr(V1, x[1], x[2])
# (3) Assign classes
class(vars[["Var 2"]]) <- "numeric"
class(vars[["Var 3"]]) <- "numeric"