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PostgreSQL regexp replace function with condition

There is a PostgreSQL table. This table has a field which contains the queries of the stored procedures as string. I am looking for a regexp replace solution which I am able to remove the part of the string with but only in that cases where the string contains 'tmp'.

Example string inputs:

...from schema1.table_1...
...from schema1.table_1_tmp...
...from schema1.table_2...
...from schema1.table_2_tmp...


...from schema1.table_1...
...from table_1_tmp...
...from schema1.table_2...
...from table_2_tmp...

schema1 is a static value, only the table names are different. Some of them contains tmp substring, some of them not.

If it contains tmp, we should remove the schema1 string.


  • You could use regexp_replace() as follows:

    regexp_replace(mycol, '\sschema1\.(\w+_tmp)\s', ' \1 ')

    Regex breakdown:

    \s           a space
    schema1\.    litteral string "schema1."
    (            beginning of a capturing group
        \w+          at many alphanumeric characters as possible (including "_")
        _tmp         litteral string "_tmp"
    )            end of the capturing group
    \s           a space

    When the string matches the regex, the matching expression is replaced by: a space, then the captured part, then another space.

    Demo on DB Fiddle:

    with t as (
        select '... from schema1.table_1_tmp ...' mycol
        union all select '... from schema1.table_2 ...'
    select mycol, regexp_replace(mycol, '\sschema1\.(\w+_tmp)\s', ' \1 ') newcol from t
    mycol                            | newcol                      
    :------------------------------- | :---------------------------
    ... from schema1.table_1_tmp ... | ... from table_1_tmp ...    
    ... from schema1.table_2 ...     | ... from schema1.table_2 ...