I am developing an Android app using RxJava.
I have some API call chains.
val verify = Completable.error(Exception("TEST"))
.doOnSubscribe { Log.d(TAG, "1. verify") }
.doOnComplete{ Log.d(TAG, "1. verify - success") }
.doOnError { Log.e(TAG, "1. verify - failed: ${it.message}") }
.retryWhen { attempts ->
Flowable.range(1, 3), BiFunction<Throwable, Int, Long> { t, i ->
if (i <= 3) {
} else {
throw t
).flatMap {
Flowable.timer(it, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
// 2. consume
val consume = Single.just("SUCCESS")
.doOnSubscribe { Log.d(TAG, "2. consume") }
.doOnSuccess { Log.d(TAG, "2. consume - success") }
.doOnError { Log.e(TAG, "2. consume - failed: ${it.message}", it) }
verify.andThen (consume)
Log.d(TAG, "done")
}, { t ->
Log.e(TAG, "failed: ${t.message}", t)
What I excepted is...
"verify" should be called 3 times every 1 seconds.
After 3 retries failed, it should be done with Error.
But in my case, "consume" was run too.
I want to skip "consume" if "verify" is failed!
How can I do it?
It's because your code is not failing.
With Flowable.range(1, 3)
you create a range from 1 to 3 so the else part of your code is never reached.
Try with Flowable.range(1, 4)
and you will see the correct behaviour.