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AVR C compilers behavior. Memory management

Do AVR C compilers make program memorize the address in SRAM where function started to store its data (variables, arrays) in data stack in one of index registers in order to get absolute address of local variable by formula:

absoluteAdr = functionDataStartAdr + localShiftOfVariable.

And do they increase data stack point when variable declared by it's length or stack pointer increased in end/start of function for all it's variables lengths.


  • Let's have a look at avr-gcc, which is freely available including its ABI:

    Do AVR C compilers make program memorize the address in SRAM where function started to store its data (variables, arrays) in data stack in one of index registers in order to get absolute address of local variable by formula:

    Yes, no, it depends:

    Static Storage

    For variables in static storage, i.e. variables as defined by

    unsigned char func (void)
        static unsigned char var;
        return ++var;

    the compiler generates a symbol like var.123 with appropriate size (1 byte in this case). The linker / locator will then assign the address.

        lds  r24,var.1505
        subi r24,lo8(-(1))
        sts  var.1505,r24
        .local  var.1505
        .comm   var.1505,1,1


    Automatic variables are held in registers if possible, otherwise the compiler allocates space in the frame of the function. It may even be the case that variables are optimized out, and in that case they do not exist anywhere in the program:

    int add (void)
        int a = 1;
        int b = 2;
        return a + b;

        ldi r24,lo8(3)
        ldi r25,0

    There are 3 types of entities that are stored in the frame of a function, all of which might be present or absent depending on the program:

    • Callee-saved registers that are saved (PUSH'ed) by the function prologue and restored (POP'ed) by the epilogue. This is needed when local variables are allocated to callee-saved registers.

    • Space for local variables that cannot be allocated to registers. This happens when the variable is too big to be held in registers, there are too many auto variables, or the address of a variable is taken (and taking the address cannot be optimized out). This is because you cannot take the address of a register1.

      void use_address (int*);
      void func (void)
         int a;
         use_address (&a);

      The space for these variables is allocated in the prologue and deallocated in the epilogue. Shrink-wrapping is not implemented:

          push r28
          push r29
          rcall .
          in r28,__SP_L__
          in r29,__SP_H__
          /* prologue: function */
          /* frame size = 2 */
          /* stack size = 4 */
          movw r24,r28
          adiw r24,1
          rcall use_address
          pop __tmp_reg__
          pop __tmp_reg__
          pop r29
          pop r28

      In this example, a occupies 2 bytes which are allocated by rcall . (it was compiled for a device with 16-bit program counter). Then the compiler initialized the frame-pointer Y (R29:R28) with the value of the stack pointer. This is needed because on AVR, you cannot access memory via SP; the only memory operations that involve SP are PUSH and POP. Then the address of that variable which is Y+1 is passed in R24. After the call of the function, the epilogue frees the frame and restores R28 and R29.

    • Arguments that have to be passed on the stack:

      void xfunc (int, ...);
      void call_xfunc (void)
          xfunc (42);

      These arguments are pushed and the callee is picking them up from the stack. These arguments are pushed / popped around the call, but can also be accumulated by means of -maccumulate-args.

          push __zero_reg__
          ldi r24,lo8(42)
          push r24
          rcall xfunc
          pop __tmp_reg__
          pop __tmp_reg__

      In this example, the argument has to be passed on the stack because the ABI says that all arguments of a varargs function have to be passed on the stack, including the named ones.

    For a description on how exactly the frame is being layed out and arguments are being passed, see [Frame Layout and Argument Passing] (

    1 Some AVRs actually allow this, but you never (like in NEVER) want to pass around the address of a general purpose register!