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How to save types of variables to a file using Frama-C

I am trying to print types of variables in C program using Frama-C. I found that this information is represented in the GUI as in the figure below. However, I cannot found a way to output this information to a file. Could you please suggest me the way to perform this task with Frama-c? enter image description here


  • There are no direct solutions from the command line. However, this can be very easily done with a simple script such as (not tested)

    let print_type () =
       (fun v _ ->
         Format.printf "Variable %a: %a@."
         Cil_datatype.Varinfo.pretty v
         Cil_datatype.Typ.pretty v.vtype)
    let () = Db.Main.extend print_type

    which can be launched with frama-c -load-script <> <other args including source files>

    More information on scripting Frama-C (including an extensive tutorial) is available in the developer manual.