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How to link Flutter StaggeredGridView items individually?

Following a tutorial on StaggeredGridView, I successfully built a page to display staggered grids of text and an icon. The tutorial stopped short on explaining how to link each grid item separately. I am aware of onTap, GestureDetector, OnPressed, but I can not figure out how to implement any of these in this grid layout so that each element can link to a different material page route (or _UrlLauncher, etc.)

child: Material(
child: StaggeredGridView.count(
    crossAxisCount: 2,
    crossAxisSpacing: 8,
    mainAxisSpacing: 16,
    shrinkWrap: true,
    padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6.0, vertical: 6.0),
    children: < Widget > [
        MyItems(, "Tecxt Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),
        MyItems(, "Text Here", 0xff42a5f5),

    staggeredTiles: [
        StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
        StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),

), //material

For each "MyItems" we created a Method and parameters:

  Material MyItems(IconData icon, String heading, int color) {
    return Material(color: Colors.white,
      elevation: 12.0,
      shadowColor: Color(0xff2962ff),
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20.0),
      child: Center(
        child: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
            child: Row(
                children: < Widget > [
                        children: < Widget > [

                            //Text here
                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                                child: Text(heading,
                                    style: TextStyle(
                                        color: new Color(color),
                                        fontSize: 20.0,
                            ), //text

                                color: new Color(color),
                                borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24.0),
                                child: Padding(padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                                    child: Icon(
                                        color: Colors.white,
                                        size: 20.0,


There doesn't appear to be any information on how to solve this. The only follow up I could find from the author was "There are couple of ways to tackle it":

  1. Use Keys property of the widget

    TagButton(onPressed: (k) => onPress(k)), void onPress(Key id) { print('pressed $id'); }

2.Assign a callback that calls a different method for each button

  1. Or you can pass a parameter like shown below and use a switch to identify the parameter value and call the corresponding method.

    onPressed: () => onButtonPressed('okButton'),

But after much struggle, I just can't comprehend this. Is it even possible to individually link each staggered grid to their own unique link (page route, UrlLauncher, etc.?


  • You can copy paste run full code below
    You can pass route name as String

    code snippet

    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
      initialRoute: '/',
      routes: {
        // When navigating to the "/" route, build the FirstScreen widget.
        '/': (context) => Example01(),
        '/first': (context) => FirstScreen(),
        '/second': (context) => SecondScreen(),
    List<Widget> _tiles = const <Widget>[
      const MyItems(, "Text1 Here", 0xff42a5f5, "/first"),
      const _Example01Tile(, Icons.widgets),
      const _Example01Tile(Colors.amber, Icons.panorama_wide_angle),
      const MyItems(, "Text 2 Here", 0xff42a5f5, "/second"),
     class MyItems extends StatelessWidget {
        const MyItems(this.icon, this.heading, this.color, this.routeName);
                              icon: Icon(icon),
                              iconSize: 20,
                              color: Colors.white,
                              onPressed: () {
                                Navigator.pushNamed(context, routeName);

    working demo

    enter image description here

    full code

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_staggered_grid_view/flutter_staggered_grid_view.dart';
    List<StaggeredTile> _staggeredTiles = const <StaggeredTile>[
      StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(1, 150.0),
      StaggeredTile.extent(2, 150.0),
    List<Widget> _tiles = const <Widget>[
      const MyItems(, "Text1 Here", 0xff42a5f5, "/first"),
      const _Example01Tile(, Icons.widgets),
      const _Example01Tile(Colors.amber, Icons.panorama_wide_angle),
      const MyItems(, "Text 2 Here", 0xff42a5f5, "/second"),
      const _Example01Tile(Colors.deepOrange, Icons.send),
      const _Example01Tile(Colors.indigo, Icons.airline_seat_flat),
      const _Example01Tile(, Icons.bluetooth),
      const _Example01Tile(, Icons.battery_alert),
      const _Example01Tile(Colors.purple, Icons.desktop_windows),
      const _Example01Tile(,,
    class Example01 extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Scaffold(
            appBar: AppBar(
              title: Text('Example 01'),
            body: Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 12.0),
                child: StaggeredGridView.count(
                  crossAxisCount: 4,
                  staggeredTiles: _staggeredTiles,
                  children: _tiles,
                  mainAxisSpacing: 4.0,
                  crossAxisSpacing: 4.0,
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
    class _Example01Tile extends StatelessWidget {
      const _Example01Tile(this.backgroundColor, this.iconData);
      final Color backgroundColor;
      final IconData iconData;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Card(
          color: backgroundColor,
          child: InkWell(
            onTap: () {},
            child: Center(
              child: Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4.0),
                child: Icon(
                  color: Colors.white,
    class MyItems extends StatelessWidget {
      const MyItems(this.icon, this.heading, this.color, this.routeName);
      final int color;
      final IconData icon;
      final String heading;
      final String routeName;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Material(
          color: Colors.white,
          elevation: 12.0,
          shadowColor: Color(0xff2962ff),
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(20.0),
          child: Center(
              child: Padding(
                  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                  child: Row(
                      children: <Widget>[
                          children: <Widget>[
                            //Text here
                              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                              child: Text(
                                style: TextStyle(
                                  color: new Color(color),
                                  fontSize: 18.0,
                            ), //text
                              color: new Color(color),
                              borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24.0),
                              child: Padding(
                                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                                child: IconButton(
                                  icon: Icon(icon),
                                  iconSize: 20,
                                  color: Colors.white,
                                  onPressed: () {
                                    Navigator.pushNamed(context, routeName);
    void main() => runApp(MyApp());
    class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      // This widget is the root of your application.
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Flutter Demo',
          theme: ThemeData(
          initialRoute: '/',
          routes: {
            // When navigating to the "/" route, build the FirstScreen widget.
            '/': (context) => Example01(),
            '/first': (context) => FirstScreen(),
            '/second': (context) => SecondScreen(),
    class FirstScreen extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Text("First Screen");
    class SecondScreen extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Text("Second Screen");