I'm trying to write command in fox pro that helps me calculate two variables in a table that looks like this
age death_rate alive dead
1 0.003 1000 3
2 0.001 997 1
3 0.0006
4 0.005
5 0.002
alive at age x = (alive at age x-1) - (dead at age x-1)
dead at age x = (death_rate at age x) * (alive at age x)
I'm trying to calculate rest of the values for alive and dead automatically but the two empty columns are dependent on each other in calculation, I'm not sure how the command should look like
I cannot give you one command to do this, but it is relatively easy if you use a small program. I don't know what data file type you are using (VFP table, MSSQL table) so I will demonstrate with a VFP cursor. You can open a new program window in VFP by typing MODIFY COMMAND in the command window. Paste the following code in the Program window, highlight the code, right-click and Execute Selection.
CREATE CURSOR deathrate (age i,death_rate n(6,4),alive i, dead i)
INSERT INTO deathrate (age,death_rate,alive,dead) VALUES (1,.003,1000,3)
INSERT INTO deathrate (age,death_rate,alive,dead) VALUES (2,.001,997,1)
INSERT INTO deathrate (age,death_rate,alive,dead) VALUES (3,.0006,0,0)
INSERT INTO deathrate (age,death_rate,alive,dead) VALUES (4,.005,0,0)
INSERT INTO deathrate (age,death_rate,alive,dead) VALUES (5,.002,0,0)
GOTO 2 && you have supplied the first 2 values, go to record 2
SCATTER NAME oprev && create a scattered object of the current record, then...
SKIP && skip 1 record
SCAN rest
replace alive WITH oprev.alive - oprev.dead, dead WITH round(death_rate * alive,0)
SCATTER NAME oprev && refresh before skipping to next record
The result is:
AGE DEATH_RATE ALIVE DEAD 1 0.0030 1000 3 2 0.0010 997 1 3 0.0006 996 1 4 0.0050 995 5 5 0.0020 990 2