I cannot get any NASDAQ data from the Alpha Vantage TIME_SERIES_DAILY, TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED or TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY -- the returned array is always empty regardless of the equity or index symbol I use:
This is the call I made to get that array:
Notice I've used the NASDAQ:
prefix. I've also tried using NSQ:
instead -- with exactly the same results. I don't get this issue when calling for LSE (LON:
) or NYSE (NYSE:
) data.
I've tried a range of valid and invalid equity ticker symbols (e.g. GOOGL
) with either the same empty array result returned (if a valid ticker) or an expected error message returned (if an invalid ticker).
Am I doing something wrong here? Is NASDAQ listed using some other random collection of letters?
I've noticed some inconsistency between real-life ticker symbols, and the AV ticker symbols -- often enough that I've created a translation table so I can represent domain-useful information rather than AV-useful information. I'm hoping I'm just using an incorrect or outdated reference to NASDAQ to call the API.
Your help is much appreciated in advance!
Just look up the symbol (ie. AAPL
). The IXIC
is an index, Alpha Vantage currently does not cover indexes.
Further notes:
Quotes from Alpha Vantage are aggregated, so any price you're getting won't be the price from what it's traded on the NASDAQ, but a quote of what the price is across exchanges.
If you're looking for a specific symbol, you can check for what it's listed as using the search endpoint.