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Shared memory in CUDA is not getting values assigned to it and always prints zero

This simple reduction function is found in one of the CUDA presentations online.

__device__ void reducedSum(double* d_idata, double* d_odata, long LENGTH)
    extern __shared__ double sdata[];
    unsigned int tid = threadIdx.x;
    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    if (i < LENGTH) {
        sdata[tid] = d_idata[i];

        printf("Kernel sdata : %d \n", sdata[tid]);

        for (unsigned int s = 1; s < blockDim.x; s *= 2)
            if (tid % (2 * s) == 0)
                sdata[tid] += sdata[tid + s];


        if (tid == 0) {
            d_odata[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0];

But the printf here always prints the following output. What It's expected to do is actually to copy the values from d_idata array and assign it partly to each shared memory block. However it doesn't happen.

console output showing zeros being printed

Call to the kernel is as follows:

long LENGTH = 10;
long N = 5;
int threadsPerBlock = N;
int numBlocks = (threadsPerBlock + LENGTH - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
cudaCalc<<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock, N*sizeof(double)>>> (d_vec1, d_vec2, d_dotProduct, ....)

Now inside the kernel I call this reducedSum __device__ function as follows.

__global__ void cudaCalc(int* d_vec1, int* d_vec2, double* d_dotProduct, ... )
    int tid_0 = threadIdx.x;
    int index = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (index < LENGTH) {
        d_dotProduct[index] = (double) d_vec1[index] * d_vec2[index];
        d_squared1[index] = (double)d_vec1[index] * d_vec1[index];
        d_squared2[index] = (double)d_vec2[index] * d_vec2[index];
    reducedSum(d_squared1, d_squaredSum1, LENGTH);
    reducedSum(d_squared2, d_squaredSum2, LENGTH);
    reducedSum(d_dotProduct, d_dotSum, LENGTH);


Can some good sir/madam please show me where my code is wrong? If you want to see the rest of the code please request. Thank you in advance.


  • The fault was with the printf function. I can't believe I spent hours on this.

    printf("Kernel sdata : %d \n", sdata[tid]);

    The placeholder is given for integer while the sdata is a double array. The problem solved.

    It's such a bummer that nvcc compiler doesn't show a warning or an error for this type of mistakes. gcc on the other hand shows so many warning. This is should be a suggestion.