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WebStorm Code Completion dones't work without semicolon

I don't use semicolon at end of line in JavaScript.

And I find WebStorm doesn't have Code Completion without semicolon.

I'm not good at English, see the screenshots.

Without semicolon, don't have const suggested:

Screenshot 1: without semicolon, don't have <code>const</code> suggest

First line without semicolon, second line only have 3 suggest, and don't have const.

With semicolon, have const suggested:

Screenshot 2: with semicolon, have <code>const</code> suggest

First line have semicolon and have const suggest.

I tired clean .WebStorm2019.3 and use default config, but Code Completion still don't work.

All the keywords don't suggest, like const, if, while, let, function and so on.


  • WEB-43146 is fixed in 2019.3.3 that is coming soon