Im using Bogus for generating testdata.
I have a Person-object that has properties:
The Address-Object has properties:
AddressType has enums: { "work", "home", "SPAR" }
I would like to create a random number of addresses in person between 0 and number of values in AddressType which is 3 in this case. Each created address should have a unique AddressType-value.
What I have tried so far:
void Main()
var fakePersons = new Faker<Person>(locale)
.RuleFor(p => p.firstName, f => f.Name.FirstName(f.Person.Gender))
.RuleFor(p => p.lastName, f => f.Name.LastName(f.Person.Gender))
.RuleFor(p => p.addresses, (f, p) => GetAddresses(p).Generate(faker.Random.Number(3))) // from 0 to 3
private Faker<Address> GetAddresses(Person p)
return new Faker<Address>(locale)
.RuleFor(a => a.streetAddress, f => f.Address.StreetAddress())
.RuleFor(a =>, f => f.Address.City())
.RuleFor(a => a.zipCode, f => f.Address.ZipCode())
.RuleFor(a => a.addressType, f => f.PickRandom<AddressType>()) // <===
This will create 0 to 3 addresses in person where each address can have any AddressType-value, so this will not rule out duplicates.
How can this be solved to save state of previously used AddressType-values so there will only be unique AddressType-values?
A side note. Instead of having to hard the number of AddressType-values (3) in the call to '''GetAddresses(p).Generate(faker.Random.Number(3))) // from 0 to 3'''
Is it possible to provide an expression that counts the number of AddressType enums?
I'm really no expert with Bogus, but it seems to me the simplest approach is to pick N address types, and then generate N addresses without types, and finally set the types for each generated address.
private static readonly AddressType[] AllAddressTypes = Enum.GetValues(typeof(AddressType))
private ICollection<Address> GetRandomAddresses(Faker faker, Person p)
// Select random number of addresses,
// and the same number of random address types
var num = faker.Random.Number(AllAddressTypes.Length);
var types = faker.PickRandom(AllAddressTypes, num).ToArray();
// Build the addresses, without type
var addresses = GetAddresses(p).Generate(num);
// Set the address type for each new address
for(var i = 0; i < addresses.Count; ++i) {
addresses[i].addressType = types[i];
return addresses;