I'm working with a survey data (row=respondents; col=opinion) and trying to create a one-mode adjacency matrix among respondents that measures the number of times they gave the same answers for each dyad network. Specifically,
affiliation_matrix <- matrix(c(
dimnames(affiliation_matrix) <- list(
c("Alyssa", "Brad", "Carla"),
c("opinion1", "opinion2", "opinion3")
In the above example of 3x3 matrix, I'd like to create a matrix that looks like
ideal_matrix <- matrix(c(
dimnames(ideal_matrix) <- list(
c("Alyssa", "Brad", "Carla"),
c("Alyssa", "Brad", "Carla")
So between Alyssa and Carla, their connection gets a 2 because they both answered the same for opinion1 and opinion2. Similarly, the connection between Alyssa and Brad gets a 1 because they both answered 0 in opinion3.
I was looking up the code get.adjacency() and bipartite.projection but this one seems to only deal with person-event network where only the value of 1 is treated as a match. Is there an R package that lets me do this, or do I need to create my own loop manually (if so... how??)?
There might be an off-the-shelve solution I am not aware of. However, in this particular (binary) case one could recode the matrix, multiply each by its transpose and finally add them together:
affiliation_matrix_recoded <- affiliation_matrix
affiliation_matrix_recoded[] <- ifelse(affiliation_matrix_recoded > 0, 0, 1)
a <- tcrossprod(affiliation_matrix)
b <- tcrossprod(affiliation_matrix_recoded )
r <- a + b
diag(r) <- 0
Resulting in this:
Alyssa Brad Carla
Alyssa 0 1 2
Brad 1 0 0
Carla 2 0 0