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Using cookies with Brython

I’m currently trying to handle cookies with Brython but I’m having some trouble. I’ve found the local_storage module in the docs. When I set a cookie using this module, the server can’t find them (using request.COOKIES in a Django function). What’s weird, is that the value is stored because when I reload the page, the script prints it in the console.

The code in the HTML page:

<script type="text/python">
    from browser.local_storage import storage
    import random

    if 'test' in storage:
    storage['test'] = str(random.randint(0, 100))

Each time I reload the page, the value I get is the one that was stored but the cookie does not exist on the server side (request.COOKIES does not contain a key 'test').

Maybe there’s something I’m missing?


So, after looking at this page (link from Brython docs), I discovered that local storage is not the same thing as cookies but they rather are similar sytems existing side by side.

So my question now is how can I use cookies with Brython instead of local storage?


  • So, it turns out it was pretty simple. The code is pretty much the same as in JavaScript.

    Here is some sample code for creating a cookie named foo with the value bar:

    from browser import document
    document.cookie = 'foo=bar; Path=/'

    And that’s it!