I'm new with golang and channels/goroutines, but I understand the concept and simple usage.
Now I'm trying to implement concurrent tree building function, the algorithm is pretty simple - from top to bottom for each node I add 2 children and then for each child I do the same operation depthLimit times. Here is the code for non-concurent one:
package main
import (
type Node struct {
Name string
Children []Node
func main() {
mainNode := Node{"p", nil}
AddChildrenToNode(&mainNode, 4, 0)
b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(mainNode, "", " ")
fmt.Println(string(b)) // print as json
func AddChildrenToNode(node *Node, depthLimit int, curDepth int) {
if curDepth >= depthLimit {
return // reached depth limit
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // imitating hard work c:
fmt.Print(".") // status indicator
// add children
node.Children = []Node{
Node{node.Name + "-l", nil},
Node{node.Name + "-r", nil},
for idx, _ := range node.Children {
AddChildrenToNode(&node.Children[idx], depthLimit, curDepth) // run this for every created child, recursively
But now I face difficulties rewriting it for goroutine usage. The problem is we can't actually know when 'building' is finished and signal to block/unblock main. Am I missing something? I also tried to play with sync.WaitingGroup.
One way you can introduce goroutines into this algorithm is to use a separate goroutine for the addition of child nodes, assuming you can't really add those before you finish the "hard work" section.
func AddChildrenToNode(node *Node, wg *sync.WaitGroup,depthLimit int, curDepth int) {
// work
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
node.Children = []Node{
Node{node.Name + "-l", nil},
Node{node.Name + "-r", nil},
for idx, _ := range node.Children {
AddChildrenToNode(&node.Children[idx], depthLimit, curDepth) // run this for every created child, recursively
With this scheme, you end up creating 2^(depth-1)-1 goroutines, so you can wait in main for them to complete:
func main() {
AddChildrenToNode(&mainNode, 4, 0)
There are other ways this can be done, like adding a goroutine for left-right nodes.