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Dynamically set param in SQL statement via Expression

I am currently using the Yii2 framework (specifically

I am running into an issue where I can not dynamically set a param while creating multiple Expression statements.

$citiesArray = explode("Chicago", "New York", "Dallas");

foreach ($citiesArray as $index => $city) {
  $expression = new Expression(
     [':city' => json_encode($city)]
  array_push($cityExpressions, $expression);

The problem here is that :city is simply replaced each time the iteration goes through and ultimately, the SQL statement translates to only caring about the last city passed (in this case, "Dallas").

I have tried incorporating the index of loop to create a unique value, but had no such luck:

foreach ($citiesArray as $index => $city) {
   $expression = new Expression(
     [':city-'.$index => json_encode($city)]
   array_push($cityExpressions, $expression);

If this even possible? I believe this is more a mySQL (MariaDB) issue than it is a Yii since ultimately these expressions are converted to SQL statements.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

(I am using the param documentation shown here:$params-detail)


  • You're right about replacing parameters - parameters names should be unique. But you're incorrectly building your expression string - variables interpolation will work only on strings inside of ". If you use ', then $index will not be treated as value inside of $index variable, but as literal string $index. Try this:

    foreach ($citiesArray as $index => $city) {
       $expression = new Expression(
          [':city' . $index => json_encode($city)]
       $cityExpressions[] = $expression;