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python pandas json_normalize in 1.0.0 with meta path specified - expects iterable

I have the data

[{"state": "Florida",
         "shortname": "FL",
         "info": {"governor": "Rick Scott"},
         "counties": [{"name": "Dade",
                       "population": 12345,
                       "Attributes": [
                          "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                          "Spirit_code": "TRLQR",
                          "value": 1
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "HAVPN",
                            "value": 57000

                       {"name": "Broward",
                        "population": 40000,
                         "Attributes": [
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "GMSTP",
                            "value": 14
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "GWTPN",
                            "value": 11212
                       {"name": "Palm Beach",
                        "population": 60000,
                        "Attributes": [{
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "YGHMN",
                            "value": 154.01
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "CXZASD",
                            "value": 154.01
        {"state": "Ohio",
         "shortname": "OH",
         "info": {"governor": "John Kasich"},
         "counties": [{"name": "Summit", "population": 1234,
                      "Attributes": [{
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "QWERTY",
                            "value": 154.01
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "JKLGH",
                            "value": 154.01
                      {"name": "Cuyahoga", "population": 1337,
                      "Attributes": [{
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "ASDF",
                            "value": 154.01
                            "capture_date": "2020-01-29",
                            "Spirit_code": "POIUY",
                            "value": 154.01


And I am looking for the result:

state,   shortname, name,       population, attirbute.capture_date, attirbute.spirit_code, attirbute.value
florida, FL        ,Dade,       12345     , 2020-0-29             , TRLQR                , 1
florida, FL        ,Dade,       12345     , 2020-0-29             , HAVPN                , 57000
florida, FL        ,Broward,    40000     , 2020-0-29             , GMSTP                , 14
florida, FL        ,Broward,    40000     , 2020-0-29             , GWTPN                , 11212
florida, FL        ,Palm Beach, 60000     , 2020-0-29             , YGHMN                , 154.01
florida, FL        ,Palm Beach, 60000     , 2020-0-29             , YGHMN                , 154.01
florida, FL        ,Palm Beach, 60000     , 2020-0-29             , CXZASD                , 154.01

Basically normalizing for the key attributes in the nested json. Key: "Attributes".

json_normalize(data["data"], ["counties", "Attributes"], ["state", "shortname", ["counties", "name"], ["counties", "population"]])

I am getting error:

TypeError: {'name': 'Dade', 'population': 12345, 'Attributes': [{'capture_date': '2020-01-29', 'Spirit_code': 'TRLQR', 'value': 1}, {'capture_date': '2020-01-29', 'Spirit_code': 'HAVPN', 'value': 57000}]} has non iterable value 12345 for path ['population']. Must be iterable or null.

but if I run :

plots_in = json_normalize(data["data"], ["counties", "Attributes"],
                   ["state", "shortname", ["counties", "name"]])

I get the result:

  capture_date Spirit_code     value    state shortname
0   2020-01-29       TRLQR      1.00  Florida        FL          Dade
1   2020-01-29       HAVPN  57000.00  Florida        FL          Dade
2   2020-01-29       GMSTP     14.00  Florida        FL       Broward
3   2020-01-29       GWTPN  11212.00  Florida        FL       Broward
4   2020-01-29       YGHMN    154.01  Florida        FL    Palm Beach
5   2020-01-29      CXZASD    154.01  Florida        FL    Palm Beach
6   2020-01-29      QWERTY    154.01     Ohio        OH        Summit
7   2020-01-29       JKLGH    154.01     Ohio        OH        Summit
8   2020-01-29        ASDF    154.01     Ohio        OH      Cuyahoga
9   2020-01-29       POIUY    154.01     Ohio        OH      Cuyahoga

is there something to do with the integer value in the population key? because if I run the following then still I am getting the same error:

plots_in = json_normalize(data["data"], ["counties", "population"])

Please explain, if someone knows what is going on underneath?


  • Check your version of pandas. If it pandas 1.0.0 then it is most likely related to: json_normalize in 1.0.0 with meta path specified - expects iterable #31507

    I had exactly the same issue as I reinstalled my dev environment in linux including installation of all latest packages with pandas 1.0.0. After some search I found the above link and then removed the pandas 1.0.0 and installed pandas 0.25.3 by first uninstalling:

    pip3 uninstall pandas # or pip uninstall pandas

    and then:

    pip3 install pandas==0.25.3 # or pip install pandas==0.25.3

    and after that everything worked fine as it did before installing latest pandas.