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How to build a conditional command in Ansible?

Currently, my task looks like this:

- name: Create snapshot
  command: nodetool -u foo -pw bar snapshot

The -u (username) and -pw (password) are credentials to use nodetool. However, not all environments have authentication for nodetool. In case they don't have authentication, then I would need to use the task without -u and -pw, like:

- name: Create snapshot
  command: nodetool snapshot

I don't want to have two playbooks (one for authentication required environments, and one for without it). So I'm looking for something of the sort:

- name: Create snapshot
  command: nodetool [IF(auth_required){-u foo -pw bar}] snapshot

With auth_required being a boolean variable in my vars file. How can I do something like this in Ansible?


  • Use the module set_fact to create the variable my_cmd and use the filter ternary to branch the control flow. For example,

    shell> cat pb.yml
    - hosts: localhost
        - set_fact:
            my_cmd: "nodetool {{ params }}snapshot"
            params: "{{ auth_required | bool |
                        ternary('-u foo -pw bar ', '') }}"
        - debug:
            var: my_cmd


    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e auth_required=false
      my_cmd: nodetool snapshot
    shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e auth_required=true
      my_cmd: nodetool -u foo -pw bar snapshot

    Test it. Then, use the command

        - name: Create snapshot
          command: "{{ my_cmd }}"