I am using Scala 2.13, and I am developing the Reader
monad my own. The implementation of the monad is the following.
object ReaderMonad {
implicit def reader[From, To](f: From => To): Reader[From, To] = Reader(f)
case class Reader[From, To](f: From => To) {
def run(input: From): To =
def map[NewTo](transformation: To => NewTo): Reader[From, NewTo] =
Reader(c => transformation(f(c)))
def flatMap[NewTo](transformation: To => Reader[From, NewTo]): Reader[From, NewTo] =
Reader(c => transformation(f(c)).run(c))
def pure[From, To](a: To): Reader[From, To] = Reader((c: From) => a)
Using such a monad, I am defining a repository for stocks.
trait StockRepository {
def findAll: Map[String, Double]
service uses the implementation of the repository, using the Reader
monad to inject the repo dependency.
object Stocks {
def findAll: Reader[StockRepository, Map[String, Double]] =
(repo: StockRepository) => repo.findAll()
My question is, why have I to specify the repo
parameter type explicitly in the last function definition, (repo: StockRepository) => repo.findAll()
? Why cannot the Scala compiler infer the type implicitly for me?
Thanks a lot.
Sure, you only need to remove the implicit conversion and add the apply
However, I added some other changes to make the code more idiomatic and easier to use, if you have any doubt just let me know.
object ReaderMonad {
final case class Reader[From, To] private[ReaderMonad] (run: From => To) {
def map[NewTo](transformation: To => NewTo): Reader[From, NewTo] =
Reader(c => transformation(run(c)))
def flatMap[NewTo](transformation: To => Reader[From, NewTo]): Reader[From, NewTo] =
Reader(c => transformation(run(c)).run(c))
// This is all you really need.
def apply[From, To](f: From => To): Reader[From, To] =
Reader(run = f)
// This is called the parially applied trick:
// https://typelevel.org/cats/guidelines.html
// It makes easier to use pure.
private[ReaderMonad] final class PurePartiallyApplied[From](private val dummy: Boolean) extends AnyVal {
final def apply[To](a: To): Reader[From, To] =
Reader(_ => a)
// So now, you can just:
// ReaderMonad.pure[String](10)
// Instead of:
// ReaderMonad.pure[String, Int](10)
def pure[From]: PurePartiallyApplied[From] =
new PurePartiallyApplied(dummy = true)
And you can use it like this:
trait StockRepository {
def findAll: Map[String, Double]
object Stocks {
import ReaderMonad.Reader
def findAll: Reader[StockRepository, Map[String, Double]] =
ReaderMonad { repo =>