I wrote a chess program with very nice GUI (PyQt5). When I enter a move it analyzes it and updates the SVG representation of the board - thanks to wonderful python-chess module. Everything works fine now. But, what I want to do is to let the engine work in background and infinitely analyze the board allowing me to enter new moves. Here is a simple code example:
import asyncio
import chess
import chess.engine
board = chess.Board()
async def analyse():
transport, engine = await chess.engine.popen_uci("./stockfish-10-64")
board = chess.Board()
info = await engine.analyse(board, chess.engine.Limit(time=2))
await engine.quit()
async def get_input():
a = input("enter move in SAN format")
xx = await analyse()
In this example, I cannot enter a new move before the analysis has been done. (Note: In the original design moves are entered in PyQt5 "lineedit" widget, do not worry about the difficulties in Asynchronous terminal input)
You could use 'ponder' property of engine.play, which allows for analysis in the background. Now you can break your 2 second search into chunks and be able to input move in-between getting similar quality of search.