I'm trying to encapsulate my element ids by adding the instance id like this:
<label for="id-{{ unique }}-name"></label>
<input id="id-{{ unique }}-name" type="text" formControlName="name">
I previously worked with this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40140762/12858538. But after upgrading Angular from 7 to 9 this seems deprecated. I was thinking about a simple helper service, which would generate unique ids for my app.
Something like this:
export class UniqueIdService {
private counter = 0
constructor() {}
public getUniqueId (prefix: string) {
const id = ++this.counter
return prefix + id
inspired by lodash uniqueid
But I did rather use angulars build in ids.
So my currently solution is to extract the id from the components _nghost
constructor ( private element: ElementRef, ) {
const ngHost =
Object.values(this.element.nativeElement.attributes as NamedNodeMap)
.find(attr => attr.name.startsWith('_nghost'))
this.unique = ngHost.substr(ngHost.lastIndexOf('-') + 1)
But I'm not perfectly happy with this solution and I'm looking for a direct access to the id.
Does anyone know how to access this?
The unique ID in Angular 9 can be represented as:
_nghost - par - 2
| | |
static APP_ID componentDef.id
In order to access componentDef.id
you can do the following:
export class SomeComponent implements OnInit {
unique = this.constructor['ɵcmp'].id;
where ɵcmp
is a private variable NG_COMP_DEF