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Pivot table without crosstab/tablefunc

I have a table like this


id    author    size    file_ext
1     a         13661   python
1     a         13513   cpp
1     a         1211    non-code
2     b         1019    python
2     b         6881    cpp
2     b         1525    python
2     b         1208    non-code
3     c         1039    python 
3     c         1299    cpp

I want to be able to pivot this table in the following manner


id    author    size    python    cpp    non-code
1     a         13661   1         0      0
1     a         13513   0         1      0
1     a         1211    0         0      1 
2     b         1019    1         0      0
2     b         6881    0         1      0
2     b         1525    1         0      0
2     b         1208    0         0      1
3     c         1039    1         0      0
3     c         1299    0         1      0

All the articles that I can find online pivot tables based on a second column. My ultimate goal is to get one records per ID.


id    author    size    python    cpp    non-code
1     a         28385   1         1      1
2     b         10633   2         1      1
3     c         2338    1         1      0

Here the values of the size, python, cpp, non-code columns are aggregated.


  • With conditional aggregation:

      id, author,
      sum(size) size,
      sum((file_ext = 'python')::int) python,
      sum((file_ext = 'cpp')::int) cpp,
      sum((file_ext = 'non-code')::int) "non-code"
    from tablename
    group by id, author

    See the demo.

    > id | author |  size | python | cpp | non-code
    > -: | :----- | ----: | -----: | --: | -------:
    >  1 | a      | 28385 |      1 |   1 |        1
    >  2 | b      | 10633 |      2 |   1 |        1
    >  3 | c      |  2338 |      1 |   1 |        0