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SQL CE over a network share

I have seen this question asked previously but can not find a clear explanation of what is/isn't possible and what workarounds migth be available.

I have an existing C# application that uses SQL CE to store local information. This database is only accessed by a single application and is stored in the user's appdata folder.

Some environments have the appdata folder redirected to a network share which causes SQL CE to throw an exception: "Internal error: Cannot open the shared memory region."

I have read that SQL CE 3.5 SP2 is supposed to allow connections to network shares again, and that SP1 does not, however I have not been able to get it to work. Has anybody had any success getting any version of SQL CE to work over a network share? And if so, what version/code did you use to get it to work?

I have tried using mode=Exclusive in the connection string with no luck.

Or alternatively, has anybody found a different workaround? The data needs to be stored in the user's profile as it is specific per user and should not be accessible by any other user on the system.


  • I updated the application to use SQL Express with local user instances which worked, but it created too many deployment issues for our customers. I ended up having to write a layer to use Access MDBs while we look at different database options.

    My suggestion for writing desktop applications is DO NOT use SQL express or SQL CE for local storage.