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Using automatically deduced lambda parameter as constant expression

In C++, I'm trying to write something similar to boost-mp11's mp_for_each. However, whilst mp_for_each always calls the supplied function for every T in the given mp_list<Ts...>, I'm trying to come up with a solution that stops traversal once a run-time call to the function yields a value evaluating to false in an if-statement.

See the implementation of mp_for_each and a usage example:

Implementation on GitHub

Usage example in Boost reference manual

Apparently, the implementation of mp_for_each manages to pass the function argument as a constant expression, thus enabling the user to apply it where a constant expression is required. Whilst I took a different approach incorporating template tail recursion, I expected the function argument to be passed as a constant expression as welll. However, GCC complains that it "is not a constant expression".

My code looks like this:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>

template<std::size_t T_counter>
struct WhileGreaterZero
    template<typename T_Function>
    constexpr WhileGreaterZero(T_Function&& function)
        if (function(T_counter))  // pass function argument
            WhileGreaterZero<T_counter - 1>(std::forward<T_Function>(function));

struct WhileGreaterZero<0>
    template<typename T_Function>
    constexpr WhileGreaterZero(T_Function&&) {}

int main()
    using boost::mp11::mp_at_c;
    using boost::mp11::mp_list;
    using boost::mp11::mp_size;

    using Types = mp_list<bool, int, double>;

    WhileGreaterZero<mp_size<Types>::value - 1>(
        [](auto counter) {  // function parameter
            using Type = mp_at_c<Types, counter>;

            if (typeid(Type) == typeid(int))
                return false;

            return true;

When compiling with g++ 7.4.0, the following error is encountered (formatted to my taste):

$ g++ -std=c++17 -I/path/to/boost

    In substitution of ‘
            class L,
            long unsigned int I
        using mp_at_c =
            typename boost::mp11::detail::mp_if_c_impl<
                (I < typename boost::mp11::detail::mp_size_impl<L>::type:: value),
                boost::mp11::detail::mp_at_c_impl<L, I>,
            with L = boost::mp11::mp_list<bool, int, double>;
            long unsigned int I = counter

    required from ‘
        [with auto:1 = long unsigned int]

    required from ‘
        constexpr WhileGreaterZero<T_counter>::WhileGreaterZero(T_Function&&)
            with T_Function = main()::<lambda(auto:1)>;
            long unsigned int T_counter = 2

    required from here

    error: ‘counter’ is not a constant expression
             using Type = mp_at_c<Types, counter>;
    note: in template argument for type ‘long unsigned int’

Why is counter not considered as a constant expression in my code? What's the crucial difference between mp11's code and mine in this regard?


  • Change



    function(std::integral_constant< std::size_t, T_counter >{})

    within function the argument is not a compile time value. But an integral_constant that isn't a compile time value can be cast to an integer, and that integer is a compile time constant, because it doesn't depend on this.

    A related trick is:

    constexpr auto indexes( std::index_sequence<Is...> ={} ) {
      return std::make_tuple( std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Is>{}... );

    then you can do:

    template<std::size_t N, class F>
    void While( F&& f ) {
      std::apply( [&](auto...Is) {
        (f( Is ) && ...);
      }, indexes( std::make_index_sequence<N>{} ) );

    Live example, no recursion.