I am having problems with my S4 object res
after I appended a list of values to it. The object was created with the DESeq2 package. The object was created via:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count.matrix,
colData = coldata,
design = ~ Condition)
dds <- DESeq(dds, test = "Wald")
res <- results(dds)
I did the following:
x <- qvalue(res@listData[["pvalue"]]) #calc qvalues based on pvalues from S4 object 'res'
res@listData[["qval"]] <- x[["qvalues"]] #append qvalues from x to 'res' as new col named "qval"
Now when I try to inspect the object with head()
I get the following error:
> head(res)
Error in `rownames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = names(x)) :
invalid rownames length
The funny thing is that with View()
I can inspect the S4 object in RStudio and I can see that everything went fine, adding the qvalues. Does anyone know why this happens? Is there a way to avoid that?
For you to get the qvalues.. you can do this first:
dds = makeExampleDESeqDataSet()
dds = DESeq(dds)
res = results(dds)
res$qvalue = qvalue(res$pvalue)$qvalue
I will follow up with why there is an error.. you need to look into how it is constructed.