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How to load index.html file from local directory in iOS Swift?

I have been downloading zip file from server and extracting the zip file in local directory.

ie, /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8A7B8DF1-AAA4-442E-99C9-82616FC3E192/Documents/

Unzip path: /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8A7B8DF1-AAA4-442E-99C9-82616FC3E192/Library/Caches/47B7913E-A0B2-429D-AD91-AA3367EFB2AE

From unzipped folder, i need to load index.html to WkWebView. But i could able to find folder but not able load into webview.

here is code for download zip file and extracting zip file in local directory:

 let url = URL(string: v)
 FileDownloader.loadFileAsync(url: url!) { (path, error) in
    print("PDF File downloaded to : \(path!)")

    guard let unzipPath = self.tempUnzipPath() else {
    print("Unzip path:", unzipPath)

    let success: Bool = SSZipArchive.unzipFile(atPath: path!,
                                               toDestination: unzipPath,
                                               preserveAttributes: true,
                                               overwrite: true,
                                               nestedZipLevel: 1,
                                               password: nil,
                                               error: nil,
                                               delegate: nil,
                                               progressHandler: nil,
                                               completionHandler: nil)
    if success != false {
       print("Success unzip")
    } else {
       print("No success unzip")

    var items: [String]
    do {
       items = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(atPath: unzipPath)
       print("array item for unzip", items[0])               
    } catch {

    for v in items[0] {
       print("vv index.html", v)

    print("build ary", self.buildAry)
    let ss = self.buildAry[0]
    print("index html", ss)

here is my console output:

 Success unzip
 array item for unzip build
vv index.html b
vv index.html u
vv index.html i
vv index.html l
vv index.html d
 build ary 2020-02-07 19:40:44.480754+0530[9847:2135988] [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1
["b", "u", "i", "l", "d"]
 index html b

How to load index.html into WKWebView from unzipped folder. Any help much appreciated pls..


  • Generally to open a local file in WKWebView you can call loadFileURL(URL, allowReadAccessTo: URL) on your WKWebView instance.

    Edit after your comment:
    If you know, that your index.html will always be in „build“ folder you can do:

    let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: unzipPath, isDirectory: false).appendingPathComponent("build").appendindPathComponent("Index.html", isDirectory: false)   
    myWKWebView.loadFileURL(url, allowsReadAccessTo: url)

    If you need more help, please comment.