Search code examples

Replace Specific values to SQL Rows and Randomly Distribute them

|7.5  |
|9    |
|15.5  |
|12.5 |
|6.5  |
|9    |

The Table has lots of numerical values. I want to change all the rows that have 9 to 8.5 and 10.5. If there are 8 values of 9, then 8.5 and 10.5 should be inserted equally and randomly


  • You could use window functions:

        case rn % 2
            when 0 then 8.5
            when 1 then 10.5
            else value
        end new_value
    from (
            case when value = 8 
                then row_number() over(partition by value order by rand()) 
            end rn
        from mytable
    ) t

    The inner query randomy ranks records that have value 8 - note that the order by rand() syntax is not consistent across databases (eg it is supported by MySQL, while SQLServer wants order by newid()).

    The outer query assigns new values: even ranks get value 8.5, and uneven ranks get 10.5.

    The subquery is actually just there to shorten the syntax in the outer query, but is not strictly necessary:

            when value = 8 and row_number() over(partition by value order by rand()) % 2 = 0 
                then 8.5
            when value = 8 
                then 10.5
            else value
        end new_value
    from mytable