I am trying to add allowedOrigin dynamically based on prod or non prod environments. Have tried few ways, but none of these are working. For Prod, we want only 3 domains to be allowed, but for lower environments we want to allow any origins. Could someone please help.
"variables": {
"corsAllowedUrls": [
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
"siteConfig": {
"cors": {
"allowedOrigins": [
"[if(equals(parameters('azureEnvironment'),'prod'), variables('corsAllowedUrls'), '*')]"
Second Option, this works for the prod, but for other environments, it add three rows, which randomly works and randomly don't work.
"siteConfig": {
"cors": {
"allowedOrigins": [
"[if(equals(parameters('azureEnvironment'),'prod'), 'https://ww2.example.com', '*')]",
"[if(equals(parameters('azureEnvironment'),'prod'), 'https://app2.example.com', '')]",
"[if(equals(parameters('azureEnvironment'),'prod'), 'https://m2.example.com', '')]"
I have also tried by sending a comma separated string and using the split function. The ideal could have been to have a wild card, but it seems these are not supported in Azure.
Any help is appreciated.
Please try this :
"variables": {
"corsAllowedProdUrls": [
"corsAllowedDevUrls": [
"type": "Microsoft.Web/sites",
"siteConfig": {
"cors": {
"allowedOrigins": "[if(equals(parameters('azureEnvironment'),'prod'), variables('corsAllowedProdUrls'), variables('corsAllowedDevUrls'))]"