A mention in the title I have some weird thread issues.
Basically I am wrapping PS2000 Api with node-addon-api like in the linked example.
As those api callbacks need "C" like functions, I trampolined those with something like:
CLASSNAME *trampoline[N] = {}
template<int I>f(...){
trampoline[I]->tsfn.BlockingCall(&args, [](..., *args){
//do stuff
if(trampoline->calledCallbacksCount >= trampoline->estimatedCallbackCount){
CALLBACK *fptr[N] = {
f<0>, ..., f<N>
trampoline[nextEmptyIndex] = this;
this->callback = fptr[nextEmtyIndex];
this->tsfn = Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::New(...)
nativethread = std::thread([this]{
//... start device stream & wait some time
if(ps2000_get_streaming_last_values(this->deviceHandle, this->callback) == 0){
// no callback
if(this->calledCallbacksCount >= this->estimatedCallbackCount){
short **overviewBuffers,
short overflow,
unsigned long triggeredAt,
short triggered,
short auto_stop,
unsigned long nValues
The api function ps2000_get_streaming_last_values
can call the callback multiple times and the count of callbacks can be estimated by the length of **overviewBuffers
When I leave out tsfn.Release()
there is no error.
Also it returns napi_ok
when using.
It feels like there is some kind of late callback into emptyness - but only when the thread is released...
I am at loss - someone has an idea?
What happens to the memcpied *buffers
that are passed into the jsCallback.Call({Napi::ArrayBuffer::New(env, *buffer, size)})
is this the access violation? how do you solve this then without not releasing tsfn?
I am working on Windows in VSCODE,
my launch json contains :
"name": "Debug",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "node",
"args": ["index.ts"],
"stopAtEntry": false,
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
"environment": [],
"externalConsole": false
but the debugger not triggering ...
The issue is not related to node-addon-api.
It was a buffer overflow induced by the picoscope device gathering to much data due to a lag or w/e ultimatly leading to nValues > OverviewBufferSize
which lead when copiing those buffers to out of range access and thus to access violations.
Just handling those cases and enlarging the buffersize solved this.