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How to Register Applications in Spring Cloud DataFlow?

I'm starting with Spring Cloud DataFlow, I've run an instance through Docker Compose and successfully created Streams with samples apps.

I've written a Source and a Sink app on my own and I'm not able to register them into the SCDF dashboard.

enter image description here

I've tried both the maven:// and the file:/// addresses, but since the dashboard runs inside a Docker container, I guess the problem is that it can't access to local .m2 repository nor to the local file system where the jars are located.

How should I proceed? Should I map the file system through Docker Compose or what?


  • Here is the complete and official answer from the dataflow documentation: Accessing the Host File System

    Note that the you need to mount exactly the same volume to both dataflow-server:

      # ...
         - /home/MY_USER_NAME/.m2:/home/cnb/.m2

    and the skipper-server:

      # ...
         - /home/MY_USER_NAME/.m2:/home/cnb/.m2

    Note: Starting with DataFlow 2.8.0+ and Skipper 2.7.1+ the in-container mount paths had changed from /root/.m2 to /home/cnb/.m2/ instead.