Hello i am trying to implement Azure authentication by following the tutorial provided by Microsoft https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-training-nodeexpressapp . I registered the app succesfully and replace fill in the client secret and the app-id in the .env file.
why i run the app. It returns:
{"name":"AzureAD: OIDC Passport Strategy","hostname":"webapp-virtual-machine","pid":2202,"level":40,"msg":"Production environments should always validate the issuer.","time":"2020-02-01T15:23:20.190Z","v":0
Which is an hour earlier then the dutch local time. I also change the region within the Azure portal. But that does not change the output.
Can you please help me!
Manny thanks
Z Time is UTC Time, only by a different name.
So what you get ("2020-02-01T15:23:20.190Z") is a UTC time.
But the dutch local time is CET time, which should be UTC +1.
You need to use Prefer: outlook.timezone header to specify the time zone for start and end times in the response. See reference here.
Or you can also convert the UTC time to CET time by yourself in your code.