I have the following problem:
I want to conditionally display a column in a datatable. Specifically the actions column in a kt-datatable. (Metronic theme for Laravel has it's own implementation of Datatables which is based on jQuery datatables.) I have been looking at the column.render method but i can't quite make sense of it. Ideally i would like to display a column based on a data-attribute i pass along with the html of the datatable.
<div id="datatable-example" data-isadmin="{{ auth()->user()->hasRole(['superadmin', 'admin']) }}"></div>
example_datatable = example_element.DataTable({
search: {
input: $('#generalSearch'),
rows: {
columns: [
field: 'actions',
title: sendings_element.data('column-actions'),
class: 'w8',
textAlign: 'right',
sortable: false,
template: function (row) {
if (sendings_element.data('user_roles')) {
return '<a class="btn btn-danger" href="' + sendings_element.data('route-edit-sending').replace('__id__', row.id) + '">' + sendings_element.data('text_edit') + '</a>';
} else {
return '<a class="btn btn-danger" href="' + sendings_element.data('route-view-sending').replace('__id__', row.id) + '">' + sendings_element.data('text_view') + '</a>';
I really would appreciate some help for this.
I found a kinda workable solution:
<div id="datatable-id"
data-isadmin="{{ auth()->user()->hasRole('super-admin') ? "true" : "false" }}"
and in my javascript:
kb_datatable = kb_element.customDataTableThatExtendsKTDatatable({
columns: [
field: 'description',
title: kb_element.data('column-description'),
width: 600,
template: function(row) {
I'm not happy yet with the solution because i'm using a template for a row to hide the column. But it works for now.
@remul : Yes i am using the KT-Datatable, i'm not sure my co-worker that reported this problem does in his code. Good catch! I've just set up a testcase using a custom datatable that extends the ktdatatable. I have accepted your answer as the solution since you pointed me in the right direction but the thing is the visible property expects a true or a false, hence the shortif in the html code. Ideally i would like a callback function for the column but the only thing i can find that somewhat resembles it is the template method. Also if i use the result of the shortif on the visible property in the column object i run into a weird bug where i need to set the other columns to null and can't set additional properties for other columns. Using ColumnDefs with target and visible was proposed as another solution but i can't make that work yet either.
Adding the visible
attribute to the actions column should do the trick, but when using stateSave
changing the data-attribute would have no effect as long there is a saved state for the datatable. To avoid this you can remove the visibility from the state save as mentioned here:
If you want to not state save column visibility you could remove the visible parameter from the columns array of objects in the state object:
stateSaveParams: function ( settings, data ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=data.columns.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
delete data.columns[i].visible;
So in your case:
columns: [
field: 'actions',
visible: !!example_element.data('isadmin')
// your other attributes
stateSaveParams: function ( settings, data ) {
for ( var i=0, ien=data.columns.length ; i<ien ; i++ ) {
delete data.columns[i].visible;