Can anyone help me how to store date from a field to variable. Here is the HTML which I am looking at:
<input id="date" class="input_date" id="XYZ" type="date" value="2019-01-12" on_input="table()">
I tried:
const date1 = Cypress.moment(). get('#id_value')
Although Cypress imports the moment library, there are no built in commands for it that allow chaining, but you can add a custom command to make it easier.
The toMoment()
command must be chained off a previous selecting command like cy.get()
or cy.contains()
. It returns a moment object which you can then use invoke to call all the methods moment provides, and further chain .should()
to test the value returned from those methods.
For example,
Cypress.Commands.add('toMoment', {prevSubject: true}, (element) => {
return Cypress.moment(element[0].value);
it('input tests with moment', () => {
.should('eq', true);
.invoke('format', 'dddd')
.should('eq', 'Saturday');
.invoke('diff', Date(2020, 2, 5), 'days')
.should('eq', -391);
HTML fragment (put in '/app' folder of project)
<input id="date" class="input_date" id="XYZ" type="date" value="2019-01-12" on_input="table()">