I have recently migrated the app from angular 1.7 to Angular 8. On loading the application it was unable to load the templates. Then I used require('./tempalte-name') in the directives to load. But then it gave exception that "Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)"
I used raw-loader in this way => require('raw-loader!./template-name') There were no errors in the console. But in the browser window, the template is being shown as [object Module].
When I replace the require('raw-loader!./template-name') with raw template e.g 'Test'. It displays correctly
Is there any way to get the template html instead of [object Module].
try this
// @ts-ignore
import * as TEMPLATE from 'raw-loader!./myComponent.html';
template: TEMPLATE.default
Int works fine for me (angularjs + angular9 + angular-cli)