I don't seem to be able to connect to a locally installed SQL Server 2019 instance using DataGrip (2019.3). No matter which auth I use (domain or SQL), I get the following error:
"The specified database user/password combination is rejected: [08S01] The server SQL19 is not configured to listen with TCP/IP"
URL I'm connecting to is jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQL19. If instead of "SQL19" part I use SQL Server 2016 instance name, it works fine, so I'm assuming I'm configuring the connection correctly, unless there's some tweaks I need for SQL 2019?
I can connect to a 2019 instance from SSMS and applications, it's available via TCP/IP etc.
As far as I know, SSMS does not require TCP/IP, that's why it works. For DataGrip, you need to turn it on.
Perhaps this doc will help: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/datagrip/db-tutorial-connecting-to-ms-sql-server.html