Having multiple classes doing many things, I am obliged to instantiate one of them, populate some properties and call a method. A sample would be having the below methods e.g.
public class Method100Response201
public string R1_01 { get; set; }
public void DoSpecialThing()
{ Console.WriteLine ("Something Blue..}"); }
public class Method100Response404
public string R2_01 { get; set; }
public void DoSpecialThing()
{ Console.WriteLine ("Something Old..}"); }
public class Method110Response200
public string R3_01 { get; set; }
public void DoSpecialThing()
{ Console.WriteLine ("Something New..}"); }
all of them inside Program class in the same namespace, where I have the mechanism to find out which Class I need:
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] MethodResponse = DoSomethingHere (23, "something", true);
string DerivedClassName = ResponseModel(MethodResponse[0], MethodResponse[1]);
Console.WriteLine (
"For method " + MethodResponse[0].ToString ()
+ " and response " + MethodResponse[1].ToString ()
+ " you must instantiate Class "
+ DerivedClassName);
Console.ReadKey ();
//how do I do this????
//const string objectToInstantiate = "MyProject.Domain.MyNewTestClass, MyTestProject";
//var objectType = Type.GetType (objectToInstantiate);
//dynamic instantiatedObject = Activator.CreateInstance (objectType) as ITestClass;
// set a property value
//instantiatedObject.Name = DerivedClassName;
// get a property value
//string name = instantiatedObject.Name;
// call a method - output "Something Blue.."
//Console.Write (instantiatedObject.DoSpecialThing ());
public static int[] DoSomethingHere (int param1, string param2, bool whatever)
int firstInt = 0; int secondInt = 0;
//lots of work here, I end up with method and selector..
firstInt = 100;
secondInt = 201;
return new int[] { firstInt, secondInt };
public static string ResponseModel(int method, int response)
string returnClass = String.Empty;
switch (method)
case 100:
if (response == 201)
{ Console.WriteLine ("Case 100,201"); returnClass = "Method100Response201"; }
{ Console.WriteLine ("Case 100,404"); returnClass = "Method100Response404"; }
case 110:
Console.WriteLine ("Case 100,404"); returnClass = "Method110Response200";
case 120:
// ...
return returnClass;
I tried with something called Activator, I am no expert and this is really critical for me. Could someone please help me? (I left commented on some code I am trying to, based on published solutions here in SO. Thank you).
This technical called Reflection, that means call an instance from string. My calling class will be
public class Class1
public string Property { get; set; } = "I'm class1";
public void DoSpecialThings()
Console.WriteLine("Class1 does special things");
Next I create an instance in a static function, should put your all classes in a same namespace to easy control
public static dynamic GetClassFromString(string className)
var classAddress = $"NetCoreScripts.{className}";
Type type = GetType(classAddress);
// Check whether the class is existed?
if (type == null)
return null;
// Then create an instance
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return instance;
And a GetType method
public static Type GetType(string strFullyQualifiedName)
Type type = Type.GetType(strFullyQualifiedName);
if (type != null)
return type;
foreach (var asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
type = asm.GetType(strFullyQualifiedName);
if (type != null)
return type;
return null;
I use dynamic type to implement quickly, basically you can use interface for explicit coding.
static async Task Main(string[] args)
dynamic instance = GetClassFromString("Class1");
Console.WriteLine(instance.GetType().FullName); //NetCoreScripts.Class1
Console.WriteLine(instance.GetType().Name); //Class1
Console.WriteLine(instance.Property); //I'm class1
instance.Property = "Class1 has been changed";
Console.WriteLine(instance.Property); //Class1 has been changed
instance.DoSpecialThings(); // Class1 does special things