For example I have a string like this:
Hello I am 'v0' to be added
I want to change it to:
Hello I am 'v1' to be added
So I am trying to substitute 'v0'
using below:
re.sub(r'(\W)v\d+(\W)', r'\1vnew\2', string)
And then now I get:
Hello I am 'vnew' to be added
But then I don't know how to manipulate numbers here.
Apparently re.sub(r'(\W)v(\d+)(\W)', rf'\1v{int(\2)+1}\3', string)
does not work because SyntaxError: f-string expression part cannot include a backslash
Any idea except doing these in separate steps, i.e. capture the number, add it and change it to a string before doing re.sub()
You can increment the matched number by using a lambda function to replace the value. Note that you can simplify the code also by using lookarounds to avoid matching anything other than the digits after the v
import re
s = 'Hello I am \'v0\' to be added'
s = re.sub(r'(?<=\Wv)\d+(?=\W)', lambda m: str(int( + 1), s)
Hello I am 'v1' to be added