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How to know elapsed time during execution of system command in Matlab?

I have a Matlab code that runs a system script. The script may be stopped due to the command runs. I want to know if there is a way that the program knows if it has taken a long time and do something else. Here is the code:

[status,cmdout]=system(iperfcmd); % The program can be blocked here
toc; % I want to know if it has taken a long time (like 5 seconds) for the system call and kill it. 


  • How about performing the system call asynchronously ( and polling from the main thread, something like this:

    % Setup
    tMax = 5;         % Maximum time to wait for system call
    pollDelay = 1;    % Time between polls
    timeOut = false;
    % Run system call asynchronously
    F = parfeval(@timeSystem,3,'iperfcmd');
    % Poll at regular intervals, break out if it finishes or exceeds time limit 
    while strcmp(F.State,'running') && ~timeOut
        t = toc;
        if t>tMax 
            timeOut = true; % This terminates the loop (alternatively use break)
    if strcmp(F.State,'finished')
        % Handle hanging system call here
        cancel(F) % Cancelling the FutureEvent might terminate the system call?
    function [status,cmdout,runTime] = timeSystem(command)
    tStart = tic;
    [status,cmdout] = system(command)
    runTime = toc;

    Hopefully that works for you. It's untested tested due to not having iperfcmd