I tried to write a program that gets the roots of a number for example if you entered 3 in the menu it would try to find the third root of your number so if you have entered 8, it would give you 2, but there is a problem. I am using a for loop and if I try to define an else for my condition in the loop it would print the cout as many times the loop is defined too. What should I do to fix this? Can someone please help me? Should I use while instead? And please keep your answers simple and obvious. Here is my code:
system("color 78");
int roots;
cout << "Which root are you trying to find out?" << endl;
cin >> roots;
switch (roots)
case 1:
double po;
cout << "Please enter the number you wnat to see its first root: " << endl;
cin >> po;
cout << "Your number's first root is: " << po << endl;
case 2:
double p;
cout <<"Please enter the number you want to find its second root:"<< endl;
cin >> p;
cout <<"Your number's second root is: "<< sqrt(p) << endl;
cout << "Your number's second root is: " << "-" << sqrt(p) << endl;
case 3:
double th;
cout << "Please enter the number you want to find its third root: "<< endl;
cin >> th;
for (int i= -10000 ; i <= 10000; i++)
if ((i*i*i) == th)
cout << "Your number's third root is: " << i << endl;
cout << "Your number doesn't have a third root." << endl;
case 4:
double foot;
cout << "Enter the number you want to see its fourth root: " << endl;
cin >> foot;
for (int i = -10000; i <= 10000; i++)
if ((i*i*i*i) == foot)
cout << "Your number's fourth root is: " << i << endl;
cout << "Your number doesn't have a fourth root." << endl;
case 5:
double pive;
cout << "Enter the number you want to see its fifth root: " << endl;
cin >> pive;
for (int i = -10000; i <= 10000; i++)
if ((i*i*i*i*i) == pive)
cout << "Your number's fifth root is: " << i << endl;
cout << "Your number doesn't have a fifth root." << endl;
(Shortly, the problem is that the elses in the loops are printed as many times as the loop is defined and I don't want that to happen. I would appreciate your help.)
Your program can be quite shorter, you just need to power the number by 1/roots:
system("color 78");
int roots;
cout << "Which root are you trying to find out?" << endl;
cin >> roots;
double po;
cout << "Please enter the number you wnat to see its " << roots << "th root: " << endl;
cin >> po;
cout << "Your number's " << roots << "th root is: " << pow(po, 1.0/roots) << endl;
You'll probably have numerical errors here, like getting 1.9999 for the third root of 8, you just need to round the number to the nearest integer. I would do:
double result = pow(po, 1.0/roots);
int resultUp = ceil(result);
int resultDown = floor(result);
int nearestInt = resultUp;
if ((result - resultDown) < (resultUp - result))
nearestInt = resultDown;
if (abs(pow(nearestInt, roots) - po) < 1e-6)
result = nearestInt;
cout << "Your number's " << roots << "th root is: " << result << endl;