In sjplot you can angle the x axis labels by adding axis.angle = # in the theme. However, this makes the label overlap the x-axis. How do you shift them down so everything is more easy to read? In ggplot, you can use hjust in the axis.text.x theme line, but this does not seem to work for sjplot.
I would add an image, but I do not have enough points on Stack overflow yet to do so. See the code below for an example.
Sample Code:
# load libraries
library(sjPlot) # for plotting
library(sjmisc) # for sample data
library(ggplot2) # to access ggplot-themes
# load sample data set
geom.outline.color = "antiquewhite4",
geom.outline.size = 1,
geom.label.size = 2,
geom.label.color = "grey50",
title.color = "red",
title.size = 1.5,
axis.angle.x = 45,
axis.textcolor = "blue",
base = theme_bw()
title = NULL,
geom.colors = c("cadetblue", "coral"),
geom.size = 0.4
I modified the sjPlot::set_theme
function adding the axis.hjust.x
my_set_theme <- function (base = theme_grey(), theme.font = NULL, title.color = "black",
title.size = 1.2, title.align = "left", title.vjust = NULL,
geom.outline.color = NULL, geom.outline.size = 0, geom.boxoutline.size = 0.5,
geom.boxoutline.color = "black", geom.alpha = 1, geom.linetype = 1,
geom.errorbar.size = 0.7, geom.errorbar.linetype = 1, geom.label.color = NULL,
geom.label.size = 4, geom.label.alpha = 1, geom.label.angle = 0,
axis.title.color = "grey30", axis.title.size = 1.1, axis.title.x.vjust = NULL,
axis.title.y.vjust = NULL, axis.angle.x = 0, axis.angle.y = 0,
axis.angle = NULL, axis.textcolor.x = "grey30", axis.textcolor.y = "grey30",
axis.textcolor = NULL, axis.linecolor.x = NULL, axis.linecolor.y = NULL,
axis.linecolor = NULL, axis.line.size = 0.5, axis.textsize.x = 1, axis.hjust.x=NULL,
axis.textsize.y = 1, axis.textsize = NULL, axis.tickslen = NULL,
axis.tickscol = NULL, axis.ticksmar = NULL, axis.ticksize.x = NULL,
axis.ticksize.y = NULL, panel.backcol = NULL, panel.bordercol = NULL,
panel.col = NULL, panel.major.gridcol = NULL, panel.minor.gridcol = NULL,
panel.gridcol = NULL, panel.gridcol.x = NULL, panel.gridcol.y = NULL,
panel.major.linetype = 1, panel.minor.linetype = 1, plot.backcol = NULL,
plot.bordercol = NULL, plot.col = NULL, plot.margins = NULL,
legend.pos = "right", legend.just = NULL, legend.inside = FALSE,
legend.size = 1, legend.color = "black", legend.title.size = 1,
legend.title.color = "black", legend.title.face = "bold",
legend.backgroundcol = "white", legend.bordercol = "white",
legend.item.size = NULL, legend.item.backcol = "grey90",
legend.item.bordercol = "white")
sjtheme <- NULL
if (is.null(geom.label.color)) {
geom.label.color <- "black"
if (!is.null(axis.angle)) {
axis.angle.x <- axis.angle.y <- axis.angle
else {
axis.angle <- axis.angle.x
if (!is.null(axis.textcolor)) {
axis.textcolor.x <- axis.textcolor.y <- axis.textcolor
else {
if (is.null(axis.textcolor.x))
axis.textcolor <- axis.textcolor.y
else axis.textcolor <- axis.textcolor.x
if (!is.null(axis.linecolor)) {
axis.linecolor.x <- axis.linecolor.y <- axis.linecolor
else {
if (is.null(axis.linecolor.x))
axis.linecolor <- axis.linecolor.y
else axis.linecolor <- axis.linecolor.x
if (!is.null(axis.textsize)) {
axis.textsize.x <- axis.textsize.y <- axis.textsize
else {
if (is.null(axis.textsize.x))
axis.textsize <- axis.textsize.y
else axis.textsize <- axis.textsize.x
if (!is.null(panel.gridcol)) {
panel.major.gridcol <- panel.minor.gridcol <- panel.gridcol
else {
if (is.null(panel.major.gridcol))
panel.gridcol <- panel.minor.gridcol
else panel.gridcol <- panel.major.gridcol
if (!is.null(panel.col)) {
panel.backcol <- panel.bordercol <- panel.col
else {
if (is.null(panel.backcol))
panel.col <- panel.bordercol
else panel.col <- panel.backcol
if (!is.null(title.align)) {
if (title.align == "left" || title.align == "l")
title.align <- 0
if (title.align == "right" || title.align == "r")
title.align <- 1
if (title.align == "center" || title.align == "c")
title.align <- 0.5
else {
title.align <- 0
if (!is.null(plot.col)) {
plot.backcol <- plot.bordercol <- plot.col
else {
if (is.null(plot.backcol))
plot.col <- plot.bordercol
else plot.col <- plot.backcol
if (legend.inside) {
if (is.character(legend.pos)) {
if (legend.pos == "top right")
legend.pos <- c(1, 1)
else if (legend.pos == "bottom right")
legend.pos <- c(1, 0)
else if (legend.pos == "bottom left")
legend.pos <- c(0, 0)
else if (legend.pos == "top left")
legend.pos <- c(0, 1)
if (is.null(legend.just))
legend.just <- legend.pos
if (is.null(legend.just))
legend.just <- "center"
if (!is.null(theme) && any(class(theme) == "theme") && any(class(theme) ==
"gg")) {
else if (!is.null(base) && any(class(base) == "theme") &&
any(class(base) == "gg")) {
sjtheme <- base + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = rel(title.size),
colour = title.color, hjust = title.align), axis.text = element_text(angle = axis.angle,
size = rel(axis.textsize), colour = axis.textcolor),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = axis.angle.x,
size = rel(axis.textsize.x), colour = axis.textcolor.x, hjust=axis.hjust.x),
axis.text.y = element_text(angle = axis.angle.y,
size = rel(axis.textsize.y), colour = axis.textcolor.y),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(axis.title.size),
colour = axis.title.color), legend.position = legend.pos,
legend.justification = legend.just, legend.text = element_text(size = rel(legend.size),
colour = legend.color), legend.title = element_text(size = rel(legend.title.size),
colour = legend.title.color, face = legend.title.face),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = legend.bordercol,
fill = legend.backgroundcol))
if (!is.null(theme.font)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(text = element_text(family = theme.font))
if (!is.null(legend.item.backcol)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(legend.key = element_rect(colour = legend.item.bordercol,
fill = legend.item.backcol))
if (!is.null(legend.item.size)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(legend.key.size = unit(legend.item.size,
if (!is.null(axis.linecolor)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.line = element_line(colour = axis.linecolor,
size = axis.line.size), axis.line.x = element_line(colour = axis.linecolor.x),
axis.line.y = element_line(colour = axis.linecolor.y))
if (!is.null(axis.tickscol)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.ticks = element_line(colour = axis.tickscol))
if (!is.null(axis.tickslen)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.ticks.length = unit(axis.tickslen,
if (!is.null(axis.ticksmar)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.text = element_text(margin = margin(t = axis.ticksmar,
unit = "cm")))
if (!is.null(axis.ticksize.x)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.ticks.x = element_line(size = axis.ticksize.x))
if (!is.null(axis.ticksize.y)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.ticks.y = element_line(size = axis.ticksize.y))
if (!is.null(plot.col)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(plot.background = element_rect(colour = plot.bordercol,
fill = plot.backcol))
if (!is.null(panel.col)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(panel.background = element_rect(colour = panel.bordercol,
fill = panel.backcol), panel.border = element_rect(colour = panel.bordercol))
if (!is.null(panel.gridcol)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = panel.minor.gridcol,
linetype = panel.minor.linetype), panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = panel.major.gridcol,
linetype = panel.major.linetype))
if (!is.null(plot.margins)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(plot.margin = plot.margins)
if (!is.null(plot.margins)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(plot.margin = plot.margins)
if (!is.null(title.vjust)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(plot.title = element_text(vjust = title.vjust))
if (!is.null(axis.title.x.vjust)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = axis.title.x.vjust))
if (!is.null(axis.title.y.vjust)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(vjust = axis.title.y.vjust))
if (!is.null(panel.gridcol.x)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(panel.grid.minor.x = element_line(colour = panel.gridcol.x,
linetype = panel.minor.linetype), panel.grid.major.x = element_line(colour = panel.gridcol.x,
linetype = panel.major.linetype))
if (!is.null(panel.gridcol.y)) {
sjtheme <- sjtheme + theme(panel.grid.minor.y = element_line(colour = panel.gridcol.y,
linetype = panel.minor.linetype), panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = panel.gridcol.y,
linetype = panel.major.linetype))
else {
warning("Either `theme` or `base` must be supplied as ggplot-theme-object to set global theme options for sjPlot.",
call. = F)
sjPlot:::sj.theme_geoms(geom.alpha, geom.linetype, geom.outline.size,
geom.outline.color, geom.boxoutline.size, geom.boxoutline.color,
geom.errorbar.size, geom.errorbar.linetype, geom.label.size,
geom.label.color, geom.label.alpha, geom.label.angle)
The code for generating your plot is
geom.outline.color = "antiquewhite4",
geom.outline.size = 1,
geom.label.size = 2,
geom.label.color = "grey50",
title.color = "red",
title.size = 1.5,
axis.angle.x = 45,
axis.textcolor = "blue",
axis.hjust.x = 1, # <- This is the new option !
base = theme_bw()
title = NULL,
geom.colors = c("cadetblue", "coral"),
geom.size = 0.4