Following the VLC macOSCompile wiki page. Using the single command build instructions. I'm running 10.14.6 with Xcode 11.3.1 commandline tools, developer signed, etc.
Important note -- my MacOSX.sdk file is located here: /Applications/
All is good through build to create makefile, completes bootstrap and runs make. Then I get the following error -- how do I point VLC to the location where my MacOSX.sdk file is located?
IOW how do I set vlc's "contrib environment"?
Please note in the code snip below, that contrib sets the MacOSX.sdk file pointer to the WRONG location - how do I fix?
Do I need to edit something in the vlc source? Thanks. errors:
Setting base environment
Using VLC root dir /Users/GR99/temp/VLC/vlc and triplet x86_64-apple-darwin18
[build] Checking for python3 ...
Python 3.8.1
[build] Building in "/Users/GR99/temp/VLC/vlc/build"
[build] Building building tools
You are ready to build VLC and its contribs
Setting symbol environment
Setting contrib environment with minimum macOS version 10.11 and SDK /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk
[build] Building contribs
Packages licensing... GPL version 3
Creating makefile...
Bootstrap completed.
Run "make" to start compilation.
make: Nothing to be done for `fetch'.
make: `.gettext' is up to date.
# Framework
cd breakpad/src/client/mac/ && xcodebuild MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 -sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk WARNING_CFLAGS=-Werror=partial-availability OTHER_CFLAGS=-fno-stack-check -arch x86_64 CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY=libc++
# Build Sparkle and change the @rpath
cd sparkle && xcodebuild MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 -sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk WARNING_CFLAGS=-Werror=partial-availability OTHER_CFLAGS=-fno-stack-check -arch x86_64
xcodebuild: error: SDK "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" cannot be located.
xcodebuild: error: SDK "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" cannot be located.
make: *** [.sparkle] Error 64
make: *** [.breakpad] Error 64
make: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
# Framework
cd breakpad/src/client/mac/ && xcodebuild MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 -sdk /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk WARNING_CFLAGS=-Werror=partial-availability OTHER_CFLAGS=-fno-stack-check -arch x86_64 CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY=libc++
xcodebuild: error: SDK "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" cannot be located.
make: *** [.breakpad] Error 64
cf: ../extras/package/macosx/ -h
It says:
usage: extras/package/macosx/ [options]
Build vlc in the current directory
-h Show some help
-q Be quiet
-j Force number of cores to be used
-r Rebuild everything (tools, contribs, vlc)
-c Recompile contribs from sources
-p Build packages for all artifacts
-i <n|u> Create an installable package (n: nightly, u: unsigned stripped release archive)
-k <sdk> Use the specified sdk (default: /Applications/
-a <arch> Use the specified arch (default: x86_64)
-C Use the specified VLC build dir
-b <url> Enable breakpad support and send crash reports to this URL
-d Disable debug mode (on by default)
Your build command should also include the location of your SDK using the -k
../extras/package/macosx/ -c -k /Applications/
The script uses xcrun --show-sdk-path
to set the SDK otherwise. xcrun
uses the environment variable $SDKROOT.
Note: You might want to install and use the versioned SDK, for example in your question the output shows that it is targeting minimum El Capitan, /Applications/
The versioned SDKs are available in old Xcodes, and on github.
Setting up the "contrib environment" is all handled by the "single command".